PLR Club-The Art of Oneness

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Size of Catfish - Not Every One is Alike(2)

...The last kind of catfish is the flathead catfish. Like the blue catfish, the size of catfish like this can be up to fifty five inches in length, and they can weigh over sixty pounds in many instances. Flathead catfish have a unique flavor, and it can taste even better and have greater meat quality when it is caught in cleaner water.

The size of catfish will vary greatly based on what type of catfish is being looked for. A new catfisher should look first for the smaller ones and then advance to the larger. However, the thrill of catching a larger catfish can be especially exciting, and it makes catfishing even more enjoyable.

Still, be sure to watch for the size of catfish in areas where catfishing is popular so that the right materials can be gathered for it.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Different Types of American Catfish

...The white catfish is another common kind of American catfish. It has a rounder tail and head, and it has an anal fin that is about twenty rays long. The whiskers are normally white or yellow on this American catfish, and it can be dark blue or bluish gray on its sides. Its tail can also have a fork-like appearance.

Bullhead catfish is another common type of American catfish. The yellow bullhead catfish has is yellow or black coloration range, and its whiskers are either light pink or yellow. A brown bullhead catfish, on the other hand, will have a slightly shorter anal fin and will have a brown coloration all around. Its whiskers are also brown.

The last kind of American catfish is the flathead catfish. This type of American catfish has a flat head and a larger under-jaw. Its body is lean, and it has a square ended tail. The body is yellowish brown in color all around.
These are among the many different kinds of American catfish that are in the waters around the country. It can be easy to tell what kinds of American catfish are around by looking at the colors and builds of these fish.

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Size of Catfish - Not Every One is Alike

There are many different types of catfish out there in the waters. People who are looking to go catfishing for food will want to get the largest fish possible so that they can feed themselves and their families. Here's a look at the different sizes of catfish.

The size of catfish can be especially smaller for certain kinds of catfish. The channel catfish, for instance, weights around two to four pounds on average. However, some larger ones can weigh up to forty pounds. It is easy to catch their type of catfish, and the size of catfish like this can help to make it easy. Also, it is best when the water it is in is clean, so that its meat can be tender and sweet tasting.

The blue catfish is another type that can be large. In fact, the size of catfish like this can is the largest among all kinds of catfish. The largest of blue catfish can be up to fifty five inches long, and it can weigh up to a hundred points. The meat of this kind of fish is ...

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Feeding Habits of Catfish

It is important to know the feeding habits of catfish in order to have a more successful catfishing trip. Catfish will feed on different kinds of foods and baits, and not every kind will take the same bait. Of course, there are some similarities to consider, including how catfish find food and what types they are more likely to find.

The feeds habits of catfish is similar in terms of types of catfish in that they all look for food by smelling. Sensory cells in the whiskers of catfish help them to find food. In fact, foods that stronger scents will be more likely to be found by catfish because it will be easier for them to detects these foods.

Also, catfish tend to be more active in looking for food at night. This is a better time for catfishing. While this is a common habit in terms of the feeding habits of catfish, different kinds of catfish will look for different kinds of foods.

The feeding habits of catfish are different based on what type of catfish it is. The channel catfish, for instance, will normally look for food at the bottom of the water...

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Catfishing Myths -What You Shouldn't Believe

While catfishing is popular there are still some things about the activity that many people are not completely knowledgeable about. There are various catfishing myths that people still believe, including the catfishing myths about how catfish are in physical appearance and their qualities and catfishing myths on times when it is best to find them. However, these are all not true.

The first of the catfishing myths to look into involves that of catfish being slow. This is not the case. Catfish can be especially agile and will accurately attack their prey swiftly. Because the body of a catfish is sleek the fish can achieve higher speeds when hunting for another fish.

Another of the catfishing myths states that catfish have not evolved well over time. However, nearly a tenth of all species of fish belong in the catfish family, meaning that the catfish is especially common and is found in many different styles. With these will groupings it is easy to see how well the catfish has survived over time...

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Different Types of American Catfish

With so many kinds of catfish in the United States it can be hard to tell one type of American catfish from another. There are various different characteristics of American catfish that should be seen in order to help tell them apart. These include the color, size and markings that are found in different kinds of American catfish.

First, there is the channel catfish. This is also known as the river or spot catfish. This type of American catfish has a longer body and a deep angled tail. It also has an anal fin that is short. The channel catfish also has spotted markings on its sides, and while its back has a blue gray color the sides can be pale or silver blue. The black spots on this kind of American catfish will also fade in larger types of channel catfish. The back is also darker in blue color ...

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Thursday, October 4, 2007

Catfishing Techniques

It can be easy to catch catfish, which is why catfishing is popular. The more basic types of equipment can be used, but there are different catfishing techniques that are required for different kinds of catfish.

One of the catfishing techniques to use is to use bait with notable scents. Catfish will find food by smell with their whiskers, and they will be more likely to find baits like chicken livers and gizzards.

Catfish will feed more often in the nighttime. Therefore, it is best to go catfishing later in the day so that they can be caught easier.

The most popular kind of catfish to find is the channel catfish. This is because the catfishing techniques for this are simplified because this kind of fish will bite more often. Also, fewer materials are needed for catching channel catfish. A simple reel, rood and line are best for it. Some adults will be stronger and harder to catch, so trotlines may be needed for them. Spinners and jigs will work as lures for them, but chicken livers and dead stinkbaits can ...

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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Where Catfish Breed

The way of how catfish breed is different based on what type of catfish it is. In fact, they can do it at various different environmental locations. By knowing where catfish breed and where they can be found the process of catfishing can be made easier.

Channel catfish is a type of catfish that lives in larger rivers. These are places where catfish breed in which the currents are strong and there is deeper water around. The best time for breeding for channel catfish is during the spring and early parts of the summer. This is where temperatures will be a little over seventy degrees. The male catfish will find a spot where catfish breed and the female will lay her eggs there. They are laid at a shady place and the male will guard the eggs until they are hatched.

The blue catfish use the similar spots for breeding that channel catfish use. Clearer water is needed though for this type of catfish ...

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