Who Else Wants To Learn The Art Of Casting, The Insider Techniques Used To Catch A Ton of Bass From A Boat, And Become More 'In Tune' With The Bass, And Using Lures Effectively In Just A Few Short Days?
Here's Just a "Sneak-Peak" At What You'll Uncover With Bass Fishing 101
* Greatly increase your odds at catching that big bass!
* Learn how to tell the difference between bass.
* Discover what to take into consideration for finding the right bass fishing hole!
* The major mistakes & secrets to bass fishing.
* Learn all the styles and specialy bass fishing techniques.
* How to determine the best lure to use to catch bass.
* The techniques the pros are using to reel in the big ones!
* How to determine the bass predictable behavior to catch them.
* Discover the best time of the day to catch a bass.
* How to know what rod & reel you should be using.
* Learn the angling techniques used to catch the big bass.
Plus… You'll Also Learn Things Like:
* The techniques you need to use when fishing out of a boat.
* Learn the basics of the weights and sinkers you should be using.
* Discover the hype around the buzz baits for reeling in the big bass.
* Using Jigs successfully uncovered.
* Discover what water temperature is key when your fishing for bass.
* Plus much MUCH More!
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